Spreading the word for some excellent organizations

The Fallen Hero Jeep Project came together to build a Jeep for the Downing family in honor of their personal fallen hero, SPC Stephen Paul Downing II, as well as all the other men and women who have sacrificed for this great nation. The many sponsors that came together to make this happen cannot be thanked enough. Spreading the word for Folds of Honor and the Gold Star Teen Adventures is a mission near and dear to the hearts of the Downing family as these organizations have directly affected their lives in a tremendous way. Taylor Downing, the daughter of  SPC Downing, is a recipient of the Folds of Honor scholarship and now travels speaking on behalf of the organization in an effort to spread the word of the great work they do. Stephen Hunter Downing, son of SPC Downing, is involved in the Gold Star Teen Adventures that takes the children of fallen soldiers on trips and wonderful adventures across the country and gives them a place to connect with peers that have similar experiences.

Thank you for taking an interest in this  project and we hope that you can help spread the word for these organizations that have touched us in so many ways. We will be updating this website with all the adventures that the Jeep goes on and any updates for everyone involved. Please go visit the sites for Folds of Honor, Gold Star Teen Adventures and all the wonderful sponsors that brought this together.